Get the best out of you in the Quarantine Season…

Nov 20, 2020


You might have spent several days or weeks in quarantine due to some infections prior, but not months, most probably. However, the unanticipated CoVID-19 pandemic has forced us to stay in quarantine for a considerable period of time. Therefore we can call this period, the ‘Quarantine Season’. Even though the governments are lifting lockdowns and curfews these days, many are still in quarantine. Therefore many spend these days in — Eat — sleep — drink — repeat — procedure. But if you think a bit, you can make this period the best of all time.

‘Every dark cloud has a silver lining’. Ample of time we have got is the silver line in the dark cloud; the pandemic. Can’t we reach the zenith during this period of time? Obviously, you can!!! Here we have discussed a few things you can engage in this period.

Read Books

‘Reading makes a full man’. Reading helps us in dollops of ways. It stimulates your brain and cognitive functions. You can get rid of stress and tension. Also it provides the opportunity to expand your vocabulary and knowledge as well as to strengthen your writing skills.

Reading also enhances your empathy and imagination. It is helpful for a better focus. At the same time it improves memory. Books can bring joy to your life and it’s a great benefit for both the mental and the physical health. From stress release to improved memory, reading is hugely beneficial in all aspects of our lives.





Olioo.Me was introduced to the world in 2020 under the tagline; “Points to ponder”.